Androne Daciana paintings


Spiritual Imprisonment

A new collection related to a spiritual imprisonment but trying to escape through healing.
The problem with a spiritual prison is that it traps your soul. No matter if is about a lost, vices or even love, it holds you captive to the point that you can't even think anymore. It drains your strength and steals your ability to look at the bigger picture. In order to escape, you need to heal but in order to heal you need to go trough or face it.
A new collection related to a spiritual imprisonment but trying to escape through healing.
The problem with a spiritual prison is that it traps your soul. No matter if is about a lost, vices or even love, it holds you captive to the point that you can't even think anymore. It drains your strength and steals your ability to look at the bigger picture. In order to escape, you need to heal but in order to heal you need to go trough or face it.

Créé avec Artmajeur