Androne Daciana paintings

12 œuvres

New collection in abstract style

20 œuvres

“…emotional health focuses on being in tune with our emotions, vulnerability and authenticity… [and] is a fundamental aspect of fostering resilience, self-awareness, and overall contentment… having good emotional health doesn’t mean you’re always happy or free from negative emotions [but that you have] the skills and resources to manage the ups and downs of day-to-day life.”

Spiritual Imprisonment
13 œuvres

A new collection related to a spiritual imprisonment but trying to escape through healing. The problem with a spiritual prison is that it traps your soul. No matter if is about a lost, vices or even love, it holds you captive to the point that you can't even think anymore. It drains your strength and steals your ability to look at the bigger picture. In order to escape, you need to heal but in order to heal you need to go trough or face it.

Spiritual Journey
29 œuvres

Brancusi aroused curiosity and interest during his lifetime. He appears in the world of art as a singular character whose works impressed by the purity of forms of an archaism hard to characterize. From an impulse received one morning just after waking up, I started to realize this series, discovering along the way this Brancusiana world. I am sure I was spiritually guided and despite many who have turned their noses up at this idea, I continued..... to fly.... like a Maybird....

Angels’ seals
13 œuvres

13 commissioned paintings that represent the most important Archangels including Lucifer as he was part of God’s creation too in the beginning.

Fantastic beasts
12 œuvres

these paintings were made for a project proposed by Museum Bruno D'Anvin from Saint Pol sur Ternoise, France. A project that reveals the Harry Poter world.

Spiritual Legacy (Knights Templar)
20 œuvres

A beautiful collection about Templars and holy grail

Spiritual Horizon
31 œuvres

A collection in which painting there is a material that can be destroyed by nature, time or humans and can be in ruin or disappear. But what will never disappear is the horizon and what is beyond the horizon we don’t know, we never see but we imagine what can be. The horizon is our faith, our beliefs and our hopes! No matter what happens, those no one can take them from us because those are eternal like the horizon!

Interferences, The Dacians
23 œuvres

"....the collection "Interferences" counting 22 paintings is a bright reflection of the mysterious past of Dacians, an original mixture of lines, circles, rings, tree of life, immortality, Dacian wolf and Sanziene (mythic characters), all interfering, quite shy, with the desacralized present to convey ancient forgotten mysteries. With this collection, Daciana removes the curtain of history by giving us the opportunity to reflect over a short historical period, entirely filled with mysticism and

Little things big things
9 œuvres

Precious little things, seemingly of no value in themselves, can be loved and prized above all price when they convey the love and thoughtfulness of a good heart. Perfect happiness is a beautiful smile, the giggle of a child, the embrace, the first love, holding hands…. It's the little things that make happy moments, not the grand events. Little things makes big things!

9 œuvres

22 œuvres

portraits and self-portraits

11 œuvres

2 paintings of this collection are displayed at Élysée Palace and NASA in the flight director office

Children portraits - "The 11 J's" ( Les 11 J[e])
11 œuvres

New collection for the Association "Les 111 des Arts". the purpose is to support, through donations from the proceeds of the sale, children with cancer in general and leukemias in particular, their families and the hospital teams who care for them, improving hospitalization conditions in pediatric oncology services and especially by promoting research on these diseases of the child.

Commisioned works
22 œuvres

All works that was commisoned

Créé avec Artmajeur